Helping your dog be the best dog they can be on leash and in life with the Tellington TTouch® Method
by Robyn Hood and Mandy Pretty
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- Does Your Dog Pull On The Lead?
- Are Dog Walks Unpleasant?
- Would You Like A Calm, Relaxed Dog On-Lead
- If the answer to these questions is yes, this book is for you.
Find yourself dreading walking your dog on the lead? Do you want more strategies and methods to help make the daily dog walk more fun and relaxed for you and your dog? Learn the never before published Tellington TTouch leading exercises and strategies to help your dog become more relaxed and cooperative when on lead. Included are a number of how-to, step-by-step descriptions for each exercise, complete with many full-colour photographs. Learn great handler balance and posture exercises that are featured in this book that will help anyone become a more effective, clear and aware anytime they work with a dog.
The Authors
Robyn Hood
Robyn, is Linda Tellington Jones’ youngest sister and has been riding horses since before she could walk. She went through Pony Club and showed as a junior competitor in Alberta. She later attended and then instructed at the Pacific Coast School of Horsemanship in California which was owned by her sister Linda Tellington-Jones. Robyn competed successfully in hunter, jumper, three-day eventing, endurance, western events and more recently with gaited horses, throughout North America and Europe.

In 1982 Robyn became involved full-time with the Tellington TTouch Training. For the past three decades, she has been the editor of the TTEAM Newsletter and principle of Tellington TTouch Training Canada. Since 1986 she has been teaching TTouch on a full-time basis in Canada, the US, the UK, Europe, South Africa, Asia, and Australia and New Zealand, spending about 160 days a year traveling. Robyn has given demonstrations and lectures at various venues including Spruce Meadows; Equitana USA, Equitana Asia Pacific, and Germany; Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan; International Humane Society Conference in Vienna and Murdoch University in Perth.
Robyn, along with her daughter Mandy Pretty, have written and published several TTouch related books
Besides teaching around the world and at her farm in Canada, she and her husband have been importing and breeding Icelandic horses since 1976. In addition to their Icelandic herd which numbers around 50, they also share their farm with a cat, two dogs and a very talented parrot named Frances.
Mandy Pretty
Born and raised with horses, Mandy Pretty was literally riding before she could walk. As a child she was immersed in the world of horses, helping to start youngsters, exercise sales horses, as well as participating in demonstrations and competitions with some of her parents’ many Icelandic horses.
Her exposure to the horse world was somewhat unconventional. Daughter of clinician Robyn Hood, and niece of Internationally renowned horsewoman, Linda Tellington-Jones meant that her norm for handling and interacting with horses was several decades ahead of its time. Looking for tangible physical and emotional reasons for unwanted behaviour long before equine chiropractors, massage therapists, and acupuncturists were mainstream meant that black and white behavioural labels like “stubborn”, “lazy”, or “disrespectful” were seldom used. Instead, horse behaviour was looked at from a point of view as being the reaction to a concrete catalyst, looking at balance, pain, fear, and issues of rider communication.
Now Mandy trains and teaches all breeds and disciplines full time incorporating TTEAM-Connect(Tellington TTouch and Connected Riding) to train young horses and re-school older horses alike. In addition to managing her parents’ Icelandic Horse Farm; she is following in her mother’s footsteps and is offering her services for clinics organised at other locations featuring Tellington TTouch Training (TTEAM) and Connected Riding elements. Besides assisting Robyn throughout Europe, South Africa, Australia, and North America; she has taught independently in Mexico and Australia in addition to various US states and Canadian provinces.
Her clinics focus on creating a positive experience for horse and rider, while improving performance without compromising physical, emotional, or mental well being. These are often geared toward the Icelandic horse enthusiast but can be easily applicable to an all breed format. Mandy teaches 1 to 5 day workshops throughout the year.
Mandy is currently a Tellington TTouch Instructor and a CertifiedConnected Riding Practitioner. She lives near Vernon, BC, with her husband, and two young sons.